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About CTAC

Welcome to the California Teens Anti Animal-Cruelty (CTAC) non-profit organization, where passionate young minds unite to make a difference. Founded with a shared commitment to creating a world free from animal cruelty, CTAC is a youth-driven initiative dedicated to raising awareness, fostering empathy, and implementing tangible solutions to protect our furry friends. As California teens, we believe in the power of collective action to bring about positive change. Join us on our mission to advocate for the welfare of animals and build a compassionate future for all living beings. Together, we can create a ripple effect of kindness and pave the way towards a more humane world.
Our Mission

Our Mission

Did you know approximately 100,000 dogs are put down each year in California alone because of the lack of infrastructure? This is the issue CTAC is trying to fix. Our mission at CTAC is to raise awareness, advocate for responsible pet ownership, and work towards creating more shelters to provide a haven for animals in need. Through collaborative efforts and community engagement, we strive to ensure that no animal is unjustly put down due to the lack of a caring and supportive environment. Together, let's build a compassionate world where every animal has the opportunity to live a life filled with love and care.

Dog is man's friend
Dog Walker at the Park

Our Vision

At CTAC, our vision consists of a world without where every animal is valued and cherished. We envision a future where no innocent life is lost due to the lack of shelters or care. We want to foster an environment where animal don’t have to live under the shadow of unnecessary euthanasia.

We Need Your Support Today!

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