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CTAC strives to raise awareness about animal cruelty issues, empowering youth to take informed action and create a society that respects and protects all living beings.

The CTAC art competition stands as a powerful platform dedicated to the crucial cause of unnecessary euthanasia, urging artists to contribute their creativity to the theme of "Anti-Animal Cruelty." We expressly encourage works addressing issues such as Animal Abandonment, animal Abuse, and euthanasia due to lack of animal shelter, amplifying the collective voice against these injustices.

The competition unfolds in three significant stages.


Participants submit their entries through their accounts.


Successful entrants proceed to the finals, setting the stage for the grand culmination of the competition—an in-person award announcement and event. This gathering, attended by finalists, art enthusiasts, and supporters, not only honors remarkable artists across various categories but also advocates for the issue of Animal Cruelty. Above all, the competition serves as a poignant call to awareness, leveraging the power of art to shed light on the pressing issue of animal abuse within our community.

Artwork Requirements

Artwork requirements:

We accept various art forms, including on-canvas artworks such as oil, acrylic painting, watercolor, charcoal, mixed media, and digital art forms. For on-canvas artworks, we accept submissions from sizes 4’’x6’’ to 16’’x24’’. 

Information required for submission:

We will require the artwork's title and a short artist statement regarding the work.


7/20/2024-Submission deadline


Designer Metal

Certificate signed by State Treasurer Fiona Ma

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